Chase Hill Named Church Planting Catalyst

In chemistry, a catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction. In an organization, a catalyst can be a person or thing that precipitates an event. Church-planting catalysts are experienced church planters who recruit, train, and deploy more church planters to bring gospel transformation to every Heartland community.

To see that vision realized, we need staff throughout the region to amplify our voice and help churches launch successfully in the five states of the Converge Heartland District. Church Planting Catalysts meet these needs.

In July, Heartland received a $67,000 grant from the Wesleyan Investment Foundation to accelerate church planting efforts throughout our region. Part of that money is dedicated to hiring church planters to serve as catalysts. They will commit some of their time to recruiting and coaching future church planters. We are excited to introduce our first Church Planting Catalyst, Chase Hill of Gospel Life Church in Wichita, KS. Chase will dedicate one day a week to help catalyze more churches throughout the region’s southern tier.

Chase is a proven church planter and a natural connector of people. We are excited to have Chase join the team! Please pray for Chase and our southern tier of Kansas and Oklahoma. Please pray for church planters to be raised up and sent out into the harvest.


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