After 14 years of faithful ministry as lead pastor of Faith Baptist Fellowship in Sioux Falls, SD, Dana Olson will be refocusing his ministry. But this shift will seem familiar to many in the Heartland. Dana will be returning to a ministry vital to the church in these days of increasing opposition to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dana is now the Director of Prayer First Heartland. He will be encouraging and supporting churches in our district and beyond to earnestly seek the Lord in prayer!  Throughout his 40-plus years of full-time ministry, prayer has always been key for Dana. He previously served for 26 years in prayer ministry with Converge. Some aspects of his previous work will resume, but all who know Dana well also know he has never set aside his emphasis on the importance of prayer!

As Director of Prayer First Heartland, Dana will be available for Prayer Weekends, leadership development in churches, preaching, and leading prayer events. Two events are already in the works for next year in January and March!

This work needs your support! Dana will serve part-time with Converge Heartland, and your financial support will free him to do the work so dear to his heart—encouraging and equipping people to pray! 

To support Dana, click here. To contact Dana about hosting a prayer event or leadership training, contact him at Most importantly, PRAY!

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” (1 Tim. 2:1).


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